Clearwater, Florida • 11. septembra 2017 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA • 12. SEPTEMBRA 2017 The Cleanup Efforts Continue to Re-Beautify Clearwater Volunteers assist in cleanup efforts at Coachman Park Downtown Clearwater’s Coachman Park is cleaned up through the efforts of Scientology Volunteer Ministers after Hurricane Irma swept through. Teams of local Volunteer Ministers unite in Coachman Park to begin the cleanup efforts to restore its beauty after Hurricane Irma. The cleanup begins at Coachman Park with Volunteer Ministers removing debris left in the wake of Hurricane Irma. A massive fallen tree branch is cleared out of Coachman Park by a group of Volunteer Ministers. Debris is raked and bagged by volunteers working to restore Coachman Park in the wake of Hurricane Irma. Volunteer Ministers reinstall a light post that was torn out of the ground by Hurricane Irma. A team of Volunteer Ministers across Coachman Park is active in the cleanup efforts from Hurricane Irma. Branches and debris are cleared away in the Hurricane Irma cleanup efforts at Coachman Park. Volunteers clean up the debris at Coachman Park left in the wake of Hurricane Irma. A group of Scientology Volunteer Ministers remove a fallen palm tree from the street.